Step Into Serenity

Discover relaxation like never before with a tailored massage experience. Book Now!

Discover Your Perfect Relaxation Match!

Explore our personalized massage services tailored just for you!

Hot Stones

Soothing warmth for deep relaxation and muscle tension relief.


Gentle and nurturing massage for moms-to-be, promoting wellness.


Targeted techniques to address specific areas of discomfort and tension.

Our Story

Hey there! We're Massage by Karrie, your go-to place for top-notch massages that will leave you feeling rejuvenated. With our skilled hands, we aim to restore your mind, refresh your body, and rejuvenate your soul. Visit us at 1405 Eagle Ridge Rd, Le Claire, IA. Soon coming to 3435 Spring St #1 Davenport, Iowa 52807

Get in Touch Today!

Feel free to contact us at 309-756-6422 or I’m located at 1405 Eagle Ridge Rd, Le Claire, IA 52753, Coming soon to 3435 Spring St #1 Davenport, IA 52807

1405 Eagle Ridge Rd, Le Claire, IA 52753


Mondays and Wednesdays 9:00a.m - 6:00p.m and Saturdays 9:00a.m to 3:00p.m by appointment only

Ready to Feel Amazing?

Restore, refresh, and rejuvenate with a massage. Contact us now to experience blissful therapy for your mind and body. Book Now!